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Cordoba Corporation’s Managing Partner Maria Mehranian Appointed to Delta Stewardship Council

SACRAMENTO, CA—The California Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon, announced the appointment of Maria Mehranian to the Delta Stewardship Council.

The Delta Stewardship Council was created to advance the state’s coequal goals for the Delta – a more reliable statewide water supply and a healthy and protected ecosystem, both achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique characteristics of the Delta as an evolving place. It is composed of members who represent different parts of the state and offer diverse expertise in fields such as agriculture, science, the environment, and public service. Of the seven, four are appointed by the Governor, one each by the President Pro Tem of the Senate and Speaker of the Assembly, and the seventh is the Chair of the Delta Protection Commission.

“We are living in a pivotal time that reveals just how much California has entered into a new phase of climate change, especially in the context of California’s water priorities. I am humbled to be reappointed to the Delta Stewardship Council and looking forward to continuing our work in providing the best solutions to our real time challenges and ensuring a reliable water supply, driven by the role and precedence of the Delta,” said Maria Mehranian.

Maria Mehranian is Managing Partner of Cordoba Corporation, a nationally recognized infrastructure development firm. Maria holds a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles. She previously served as a gubernatorial appointee on the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board from 2008 to 2016. She participates in numerous water policy panels on water quality and supply issues, and serves as a guest lecturer for universities throughout the state.
