Regulatory Support for El Centro Generating Station

Logo consisting of a stylized white letter "C" that forms a partial enclosure around a negative space, against a solid maroon background. Below the graphic element, the text "CORDOBA CORPORATION" is written in white, capitalized letters, aligned centrally with the logo above.

Project Name

Regulatory Support for El Centro Generating Station


Imperial Irrigation District




The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) territory covers 6,471 square miles, including all of Imperial County along with parts of Riverside and San Diego counties and has a long history of addressing both water and power needs for this agricultural center and its residents. The District provides water to seven cities and two special districts. IID’s Energy services include renewable resources. Cordoba Corporation professionals have worked with both the water and energy sectors of IID.

The El Centro Generating Station (ECGS) is an electric generating facility consisting of steam and gas turbine generators. The electrical generation process uses approximately 4.9 million gallons per day (MGD) of water from Dogwood Canal for multiple purposes with a majority (approximately 90%) circulated through cooling towers.

Cordoba’s Role

Cordoba Corporation provided Imperial Irrigation District with regulatory support and reviewed technologies to develop a viable approach to cooling water disposal and regulatory compliance for its El Centro Generating Station. Cordoba’s work included reassessing existing information and helping IID develop a strategy to address the Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board. In addition, Cordoba provided engineering recommendations to IID for cooling water treatment that resulted in compliance with strict regulatory limits. Our team conducted a technical analysis of the ECGS facility’s wastewater which included process performance testing. The analytical testing focused on source water and processed water.


Environmental services

