Randall D. Martinez, Cordoba Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer recently joined the board of directors of Sacramento, CA-based nonprofit conservation philanthropy Resources Legacy Fund (RLF). Martinez brings to RLF’s Board experience in protecting and developing underserved communities while also providing civic leadership service. He currently serves as an advisory board member for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. and is a governing board member of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. In 2015, Martinez was appointed by then California Attorney General Kamala Harris to the California Energy Commission’s $3 billion Clean Energy and Jobs Act (Proposition 39) Citizens Oversight Board.
“We are very excited that Randall Martinez has agreed to join Resources Legacy Fund’s Board of Directors. His business, financial and management experience and expertise will be important assets for the organization,” said Michael Mantell, president of Resources Legacy Fund. “In addition, Randall’s coming on board personifies Resources Legacy Fund ‘s already strong yet growing engagement with Southern California leaders and communities on the important environmental issues of our time,” he added.
Resources Legacy Fund works collaboratively with philanthropic partners, diverse urban communities, as well as established conservation constituencies, business leaders and policy officials, to support donor aspirations for protecting significant landscapes, stewarding precious natural resources, and building consensus on complex environmental policy issues. Resources Legacy Fund’s work focuses on four priority categories—land, water, coasts and oceans, and climate and energy—across western North America.
For more information about Resources Legacy Fund visit www.resourceslegacyfund.org.
Contact: Communications Department, Cordoba Corporation
Phone: (213) 895-0224 Email: communications@cordobacorp.com