Cordoba Corporation’s Randall D. Martinez Commends the Prop 39 California Citizens Oversight Board’s 7th Annual Clean Energy Jobs Act Report to the Legislature

Randall Martinez photoCordoba Corporation’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Randall D. Martinez, who serves as Vice Chairman of the Proposition 39 (California Clean Energy Jobs Act) California Citizens Oversight Board (COB), is proud to announce the COB delivered its seventh and final Annual Proposition 39 Clean Energy Jobs Act Report to the Legislature. The COB’s report is available at Proposition 39 California’s COB 7th Annual Report.

Mr. Martinez was first appointed to the Citizens Oversight Board by former Attorney General Kamala Harris in 2014 and re-appointed by former Attorney General Xavier Becerra in 2018.  California voters passed Proposition 39 in November 2012 to create jobs, save energy, reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions, and provide job training and workforce development in related fields. By focusing on public schools, community colleges, and other school facilities, the California Clean Energy Jobs Act has created substantial energy and cost savings and has improved the classroom-learning environment for students and educators across California—all while advancing California’s broader climate and energy goals.

In 2017, Senate Bill 110 (Chapter 55, Statutes of 2017) modified the Clean Energy Jobs Act to add new programs, including the School Bus Replacement Program and the Energy Conservation Assistance Act – Education Subaccount Competitive Loan Program (ECAA-Ed).

The COB 7th Annual Report to the Legislature includes the following recommendations:

  • Continue to support energy efficiency and clean energy projects and technical assistance for K-12 schools and community colleges to realize continued energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions that help meet California’s energy, environmental equity, and climate goals.
  • Continue to invest in comprehensive workforce development and education programs so that a skilled and diverse workforce is available to help California meet its energy, environmental equity, and climate goals.
  • Continue the greening of school bus fleets throughout California. The COB applauds the Governor’s Budget Proposal in this regard and believes the emissions reductions, health benefits to children and communities, safety and resiliency benefits, and savings associated with the School Bus Replacement Program investments are considerable.
  • Continue to enact laws and programs that incentivize, enable, and encourage public and private facilities and entities to assess energy expenses and savings on a monthly basis and share this information within communities. This includes having responsible parties for lowering energy costs and increasing savings; researching energy (and money) saving technologies;  implementing those technologies that make the most sense for each facility; and sharing knowledge and successes with other entities and facilities. A ten-question facility self-assessment example is included in Chapter 4 of the Annual Report to the Legislature.
  • Consider additional funding in the future for the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Energy Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE). Although the COB has no direct role or oversight of the CalSHAPE Program, the COB believes improving ventilation and energy efficiency in California schools and replacing inefficient and wasteful water fixtures will protect the health of children and teachers alike, while also advancing high-quality jobs in underserved communities.

Additional information about the findings and recommendations can be found in the following link: 2022 Proposition 39 Citizens Oversight Board Findings and Recommendations.

“As we approach the end of the Proposition 39 Program, I have been reflecting on the many accomplishments achieved by this program during the past decade,” stated Randall D. Martinez. “Since its inception, over $3.3 billion in economic activity and nearly 20,000 direct jobs have been created all while providing significant energy savings, greenhouse gas emission reductions, job creation and job training opportunities, and improvements in classroom environments. It has been an honor to serve on the COB and I am proud that Proposition 39 programs have resulted in tremendous progress toward meeting California’s energy and climate goals.”

The 2022 Annual Report and Appendices, as well as detailed information about the above recommendations to the Legislature, are available at the following link: Citizens Oversight Board – Documents and Reports.

Additional information about the Proposition 39 COB can be found at The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39) – Citizens Oversight Board




About Randall D. Martinez: 

Mr. Martinez earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Finance from the University of Southern California and is licensed in California as a general engineering contractor. As Executive Vice President & COO of Cordoba Corporation, he is responsible for overall service delivery and resource allocation and has company-wide responsibility to develop strategic marketing plans, maintain client relations and provide corporate communications throughout California.

About Cordoba Corporation: 

Founded in 1983, Cordoba Corporation is a California engineering, construction management, and program management firm specializing in the delivery of infrastructure projects in the education and facilities, transportation, energy, and water sectors. With headquarters in Los Angeles with offices throughout the state, including Sacramento, San Francisco, San Ramon, Chatsworth, Ontario, Santa Ana and San Diego, Cordoba Corporation has successfully completed hundreds of significant infrastructure projects throughout our nearly 40-year history.  We are proud that Cordoba is recognized by Engineering News-Record as one of the leading firms of our kind in the nation. We uniquely combine the technical expertise of our engineers, project managers, and construction managers with an in-depth understanding of public policy and infrastructure development, while focused on Making a Difference in the communities in which we live and work.

For more information, please contact:

Cordoba Corporation Communications
Phone: (213) 895-0224 ext. 3118
